Welcome to the
Westwood Church of Christ

We are a congregation of Christians who just seek to follow God’s will as we find it in the New Testament. Welcome to our site.  Here you can access Bible Articles, Audio Sermons, Video Lessons, Free Printable Tracts and other Bible Study resources.

If you are in the Tullahoma area, we would welcome your visit. You can find our times of services and a map [here].


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Bible Articles

Contending With God?

By Paul Smithson The book of 1 Samuel begins with the story of Hannah, the mother of Samuel. Chapter one tells how she was unable to conceive and bare a child. It tells us how she went up to the house of the Lord and prayed for herself to be able to conceive and vowed to the Lord...
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Baptizing Little Children?

By Paul Smithson Why do some denominations baptize little children, even babies? Is doing so scriptural? The practice of infant baptism stems from the false idea that children are born in sin. With this same idea of inherited sin, some baptize little children after they have...
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The Spiritual Nature Of The Church

By Paul Smithson   It seems that many people have lost sight what the nature of the Lord’s church is. Most have turned the Lord’s church into something more social than spiritual. The result is that though people are involved in and enjoying the social activities...
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Appointments You’ll Keep

By Paul Smithson Appointments, there are some we can make or break. There are, however, two appointments that each and every one of us will keep; for these appointments have been set by the Lord. “…It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes...
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What is a Christian?

Podcast: Play in new window | Download In this sermon, Paul Smithson explores the question “What is a Christian?”  Are there different kind of Christians? Do you have to be a Baptist Christian, a Lutheran Christian, or some other kind of Christian?  Or can you...
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The Existence of God: Morality & Ethics SFW39

Podcast: Play in new window | Download This is the third and final lesson in our special series on the existence of God. In this lesson, Daniel Curtis looks at issue of morality and ethics in the world.  We are living in a time where theories such as postmodernism teach that...
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Existence of God: Cause and Effect SFW38

Podcast: Play in new window | Download This is the second lesson in our special series on the existence of God. In this lesson Mike Richardson examines the argument of Cause and Effect in favor of the existence of God. Genesis 1:1 declares that God created the heavens and the...
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Existence of God: Intelligent Design SFW37

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Paul Smithson delivers the first lesson in our special series I AM: The Existence of God. In this lesson Paul discusses the evidence for God based on the design we see all around us. This lesson includes The necessity of faith: (Hebrews...
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Video Lessons

Gospel of Mark: Lesson 37

The anointing and the death plot, Mk. 14:1-11  
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The Gospel of Mark: Lesson 36

The Destruction of Jerusalem and the End of the Age (continued). Mk. 13:24-37  
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The Gospel of Mark: Lesson 35

The Widow’s Offering; The Destruction of Jerusalem Predicted. Mk. 12:41-13:23  
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The Gospel of Mark: Lesson 34

The Great Commandment; Whose Son is the Christ & Beware of the Scribes. Mk. 12:28-40  
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Free Printable Tracts

Free Printable Tracts

From your computer, download the MS Word or PDF tract file, print and fold. Click on the