Welcome to the
Westwood Church of Christ

We are a congregation of Christians who just seek to follow God’s will as we find it in the New Testament. Welcome to our site.  Here you can access Bible Articles, Audio Sermons, Video Lessons, Free Printable Tracts and other Bible Study resources.

If you are in the Tullahoma area, we would welcome your visit. You can find our times of services and a map [here].


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Bible Articles

Beginning Again

By Paul Smithson Ever wish you could start all over? God through Christ has provided a means for us to have forgiveness and start all over with a clean slate. The ancient Greeks had a word that expressed the idea of starting over, “Palingenesia”–  palin...
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Astrology, Psychics, and the Bible

By Paul Smithson Astrological and psychic predictions are occult practices, for occults are defined as, “various arts and practices pertaining to things beyond human understanding, mysterious, things not disclosed, secret.” Astrologers profess to foretell the future...
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Abortion, Sin, and our Nation

By Paul Smithson In this country we have programs for saving whales, owls, wolves, eagles, etc.  Those who are caught shooting or trapping these animals will be locked up or fined. Yet, in our country it is legal to kill an innocent baby in the womb.  In fact, the U.S....
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Biblical Predestination

By Paul Smithson The Scriptures teach that God, with His eternal wisdom and foreknowledge, has predestined (i.e. predetermined or foreordained) certain things about the salvation of man. But what has He predestined? Some teach that God’s predetermination concerning...
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The Blame Game – SFW36

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Featured Verse:  Genesis 3:1-13 When Adam and Eve committed the first sin, they both blamed others for their transgression. In this gospel meeting lesson, Donnie Rader describes “The Blame Game”, a game where sinners blame...
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Believing God – SFW35

Podcast: Play in new window | Download This is the first lesson from our Gospel Meeting Series with Bro. Donnie Rader. In this lesson Bro. Rader  asks the question: Do You Believe God?  Many people believe IN God, but do they believe what God says? Using the example of...
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The Kind of Men God Makes

Podcast: Play in new window | Download In this week’s lesson, Bro. Smithson discusses what kind of man God makes us to be. Key Verse: 2 Timothy 1:1-7  “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” “Are you...
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The Purpose & Meaning of Baptism – SFW33

Podcast: Play in new window | Download In this lesson, Lynn considers the following questions on baptism: Is baptism part of God’s plan for salvation? What is the purpose of baptism? Should I be baptized? What is the meaning of baptism? What lessons can I draw today from my...
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Video Lessons

The Gospel of Mark: Lesson 33

Question about the resurrection. Mk. 12:18-27  
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The Gospel of Mark: Lesson 32

The parable of the vine-growers & The question about taxes. Mk.12:1-17
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The Gospel of Mark: Lesson 31

The power of faith &  The question of authority. Mk. 11:20-33  
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The Gospel of Mark: Lesson 30

Jesus Cleanses The Temple. Mk. 11:15-19  
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Free Printable Tracts

Free Printable Tracts

From your computer, download the MS Word or PDF tract file, print and fold. Click on the