Welcome to the
Westwood Church of Christ

We are a congregation of Christians who just seek to follow God’s will as we find it in the New Testament. Welcome to our site.  Here you can access Bible Articles, Audio Sermons, Video Lessons, Free Printable Tracts and other Bible Study resources.

If you are in the Tullahoma area, we would welcome your visit. You can find our times of services and a map [here].


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Bible Articles

Who Is My Neighbor?

By: Paul Smithson An individual who was skilled in the Law tested Jesus asking, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” (Lk. 10:25-37). Jesus lets him answer his own question by referring him to the Law he knew so well, asking, “What is written in...
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Saving Religion

By: Paul Smithson Religion is “the belief in and worship of God or gods.”  The Bible condemns the worship of man-made gods and commands the worship of the One true God of Heaven (Ex. 20:3-4; Ac. 17:23-31). But what is involved in true religion in serving the...
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What Really Matters

By Paul Smithson: All human life is precious and sacred as it is bestowed by God in His image. This is true regardless of race, gender, age, born or unborn. God declared that life is  precious and sacred to Him and should be to us when He commanded, “You shall not...
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A Forbearing Spirit with No Anxiety

By Paul Smithson Trouble and times of crisis can and will come.  In such situations we can be concerned and take precautions.  However, as disciples of Christ we must trust in God, not being anxious, setting forth the proper example to those around us. Speaking to the...
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The Amazing Jesus

http://media.blubrry.com/westwoodcoc/westwoodcoc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/AmazingJesus.mp3 Podcast: Play in new window | Download Featured Verse: Matthew 12:22 Jesus of Nazareth– Grew up in ordinary circumstances, never wrote a book., never held an office, never owned...
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Take Courage, Be of Good Cheer

Podcast: Play in new window | Download In this lesson Paul Smithson looks at several of the places in the Scriptures where the phrase “take courage” is used. By considering the context of each we can gain strength and courage to face and overcome the things that...
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Podcast: Play in new window | Download In this lesson Paul Smithson looks at lessons from 1 Samuel 7 concerning God, our Stone of Help. Click the play button above to listen
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The Pillar and Support of the Truth

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Featured Verse: 1Timothy 3:15 In this lesson Paul Smithson considers how the church is the pillar and support of the truth. Those who will not proclaim and uphold the truth are not the church even though they may claim to be. Click the play...
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Free Printable Tracts

Free Printable Tracts

From your computer, download the MS Word or PDF tract file, print and fold. Click on the