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Bible Articles

Who Is My Neighbor?

By: Paul Smithson An individual who was skilled in the Law tested Jesus asking, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” (Lk. 10:25-37). Jesus lets him answer his own question by referring him to the Law he knew so well, asking, “What is written in...
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Saving Religion

By: Paul Smithson Religion is “the belief in and worship of God or gods.”  The Bible condemns the worship of man-made gods and commands the worship of the One true God of Heaven (Ex. 20:3-4; Ac. 17:23-31). But what is involved in true religion in serving the...
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What Really Matters

By Paul Smithson: All human life is precious and sacred as it is bestowed by God in His image. This is true regardless of race, gender, age, born or unborn. God declared that life is  precious and sacred to Him and should be to us when He commanded, “You shall not...
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A Forbearing Spirit with No Anxiety

By Paul Smithson Trouble and times of crisis can and will come.  In such situations we can be concerned and take precautions.  However, as disciples of Christ we must trust in God, not being anxious, setting forth the proper example to those around us. Speaking to the...
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What About Gambling?

By: Paul Smithson There is no one passage that states “Thou shalt not gamble.” However, the Bible is not a book of “thou shalt’s” and “thou shalt not’s.” If God had dealt with everything in life in this way we could not haul the...
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To Worship By Faith

By Paul Smithson The eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews not only tells us that we must have faith in order to be pleasing to God (v.6), but it also shows us what faith is. Through examples of faithful individuals of the past the Lord has clothed the concept of faith that we...
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Catholic or Protestant?

By Paul Smithson “Catholic or Protestant…is one more right than the other?” In answering this question let’s begin by reminding ourselves that the Lord’s church was in existence before the emergence of either Catholic or Protestant denominations...
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Celebrating Sin

By Paul Smithson Yesterday (1/24/18), lawmakers in New York clapped and cheered as they celebrated the passage of the “Reproductive Health Act.” This bill, signed by governor Andrew Cuomo, legalizes aborting up until birth. The New York governor directed the One World...
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Contending With God?

By Paul Smithson The book of 1 Samuel begins with the story of Hannah, the mother of Samuel. Chapter one tells how she was unable to conceive and bare a child. It tells us how she went up to the house of the Lord and prayed for herself to be able to conceive and vowed to the Lord...
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Baptizing Little Children?

By Paul Smithson Why do some denominations baptize little children, even babies? Is doing so scriptural? The practice of infant baptism stems from the false idea that children are born in sin. With this same idea of inherited sin, some baptize little children after they have...
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The Spiritual Nature Of The Church

By Paul Smithson   It seems that many people have lost sight what the nature of the Lord’s church is. Most have turned the Lord’s church into something more social than spiritual. The result is that though people are involved in and enjoying the social activities...
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Appointments You’ll Keep

By Paul Smithson Appointments, there are some we can make or break. There are, however, two appointments that each and every one of us will keep; for these appointments have been set by the Lord. “…It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes...
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