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Bible Articles

“Like The Creek In The Summertime”

by Paul Smithson While living in Florida I had the wonderful privilege of getting to know brother Robert F. Turner. Robert had a unique way of explaining things to make you think and remember. Besides the excellent bible teaching I received from him, I particularly enjoyed just...
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Seasonal Modesty

By Paul Smithson As summer temperatures rise standards of modesty seem to fall. Very few people, including many who claim to be Christians, are concerned about modesty.  We live in an age that glorifies immodesty and immorality. On almost every commercial advertisement,...
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Alcohol and Sin

By Paul Smithson   Alcohol is a device Satan uses to deceitfully destroy the lives and souls of many people. In the U.S. today, over 65 million people above the age of 20 drink alcoholic beverages. Alcoholism affects one out of three American families. America spends an...
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Worship Or Entertainment?

By Paul Smithson It seems that many people today have lost sight of what worship is all about. Many assemble in the name of the Lord to be entertained by everything from rock music to circus animals and side shows. What is the purpose of the church’s assembly? Is it to...
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By Paul Smithson God commands “all men everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:31). This is a universal command including me, you, our friends, neighbors, family, there are no exceptions. But what exactly is repentance? Repentance is not just being sorry for a wrong done or a...
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Homosexuality And The Result Of Condoning Sin

By Paul Smithson Our society is becoming more and more insensitive toward sin. One example of this is the public’s increasing acceptance of our nation’s estimated 9 million homosexuals (that’s about 3.5 percent of the U.S. adult population). Public opinion has...
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BAPTISM: What, Who, Why?

By Paul Smithson Baptism is a biblical subject of which many people have questions like: “What exactly is baptism?” “Who is a proper subject of baptism?” And, “Why should one be baptized?” The proper answers to these questions can only come...
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Is Denominationalism Scriptural?

By Paul Smithson We live in a world of religious confusion. There are literally thousands of religious denominations claiming to follow the Bible and declaring allegiance to Christ. Attitudes of tolerance have developed toward all these differences. Many believe God approves of...
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By Paul Smithson Lasciviousness (“sensuality” NASB) is a type of wickedness that is mentioned and condemned several times in the New Testament. But do we know what it involves in order that we may abstain from it? Lasciviousness is defined as: ” indecency,...
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A Kingdom Not Of This World

By Paul Smithson As He stood before Pilate just before His crucifixion, Jesus declared, “My kingdom is not of this world” (Jn. 18:33-37). This statement leaves no room for doubt that Jesus is King, He does indeed have a kingdom, and it is not of this world. Many think...
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The Urgency of Baptism

By Paul Smithson It is important to notice that in each and every Bible example of individuals becoming Christians, they were baptized (Acts 2:38,41; 8:12; 8:36-39; 9:18; 22:16; 10:48; 16:15; 16:33; 18:8; 19:5). We also find that there was an urgency concerning baptism. For...
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The Washing Of Regeneration

By Paul Smithson Every individual is born into the world pure and innocent. But every child grows up to be a man or a woman, who by their own choice, sins. What a terrible thing it would be if God had not provided a means for us to wipe the slate clean and start over. The Greeks...
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