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Bible Articles

Beginning Again

By Paul Smithson Ever wish you could start all over? God through Christ has provided a means for us to have forgiveness and start all over with a clean slate. The ancient Greeks had a word that expressed the idea of starting over, “Palingenesia”–  palin...
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Astrology, Psychics, and the Bible

By Paul Smithson Astrological and psychic predictions are occult practices, for occults are defined as, “various arts and practices pertaining to things beyond human understanding, mysterious, things not disclosed, secret.” Astrologers profess to foretell the future...
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Abortion, Sin, and our Nation

By Paul Smithson In this country we have programs for saving whales, owls, wolves, eagles, etc.  Those who are caught shooting or trapping these animals will be locked up or fined. Yet, in our country it is legal to kill an innocent baby in the womb.  In fact, the U.S....
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Biblical Predestination

By Paul Smithson The Scriptures teach that God, with His eternal wisdom and foreknowledge, has predestined (i.e. predetermined or foreordained) certain things about the salvation of man. But what has He predestined? Some teach that God’s predetermination concerning...
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Should Christians Observe The Jewish Passover?

By Paul Smithson The Jewish Passover begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan, which typically falls in our March or April.  God commanded the Jews to celebrate Passover as a commemoration of their liberation He provided from Egyptian slavery and their freedom as a nation...
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Peace Of Mind: Do you have it?

By Paul Smithson “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philip....
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Walking In The Dark?

No one I know likes walking around in the dark.  We’ve all done it. We enter a dark room and fail to turn the light on and then  stub our toe or run into the door facing.  The consequences are usually not too bad,  a sore foot or a bump on the head.  But the...
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Evidence of Salvation: Fact or Feeling?

By Paul Smithson If you were in a court of law trying to prove you have salvation, what evidence could you present to prove your case? Peter tells us, “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an...
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Through The Eye Of A Needle

By Paul Smithson A wealthy young man ran up to Jesus and asked the greatest question anyone can ask, “What must I do to obtain eternal life?” (Mk. 10:17-27). Jesus in reply pointed out the necessity of obedience to God’s commands saying, “You know the...
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Learn More About the Bible in 2017

Looking for a Way to Learn More About the Bible in 2017? Why not subscribe to our new newsletter, Bible Note? Each week you will get a very brief Bible lesson along with a suggested Bible reading for the week. Topics will rotate between Old Testament stories, lessons from the...
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Buy The Truth And Sell It Not

By Paul Smithson From money to diamonds, almost everything of value has been counterfeited. The U.S. Secret Service reported it confiscated $25 million worth of counterfeit bills in one year alone. I wonder how many people have bought cubic zirconium for the real thing?  In a...
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Worship, Music, and the New Testament

By Paul Smithson Most agree that God desires music to be offered up to Him in worship, but what kind? To answer this question we must search the Scriptures to see what God has authorized in His New Covenant. When one searches the New Testament Scriptures he finds that Matt....
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