Welcome to the
Westwood Church of Christ

We are a congregation of Christians who just seek to follow God’s will as we find it in the New Testament. Welcome to our site.  Here you can access Bible Articles, Audio Sermons, Video Lessons, Free Printable Tracts and other Bible Study resources.

If you are in the Tullahoma area, we would welcome your visit. You can find our times of services and a map [here].


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Bible Articles

Respect For God’s Authority

By Paul Smithson The standard of what is acceptable in religion for many is whether it satisfies the individual.  Many “shop” for a religion that meets their personal preferences, treating the Scriptures as a salad bar– picking things they like and passing...
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“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” 2Tim.3:16-17 Here are some reading schedules to help you organ...
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The Gospel Which Was Preached of Me

No man in New Testament times received more attacks and criticism for his preaching than did the apostle Paul. Again and again he was called upon to defend his apostleship and the gospel which he preached. The book of Galatians is largely devoted to the proof of his apostleship...
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Perversion of John 8:1-11

By Wayne Jackson (January 1, 1999) Over the past several months, as controversy has swirled around the president’s conduct, with almost predictable regularity media personalities have cited what is possibly the only passage in their biblical repository: “He who is...
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Podcast: Play in new window | Download   In this sermon, Brother Smithson discusses the importance of personal evangelism. To listen just click the play button above. (Note:  The first few minutes of this recording are missing. The main lesson points remain.)
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Respecting Authority; Aids and Additions – SFW3

Podcast: Play in new window | Download This is the second sermon on the subject of Bible Authority.  In this lesson, Bro. Smithson discusses the difference between AIDS in carrying out God’s will and ADDITIONS to God’s will.  An AID is something that assists in...
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Abel and the Worship of Faith – SFW2

Podcast: Play in new window | Download In this lesson, Brother Paul Smithson begins a series of lessons on faith based on the examples of faith in Hebrews chapter 11.  This first lesson looks at the example of the worship of Abel and the lessons we can apply to our own...
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The Need for Bible Authority – SFW1

Podcast: Play in new window | Download In this sermon, Paul Smithson discusses the need for Bible authority in all we do. With plain examples he explains the three ways of establishing Bible authority. Direct Command Approved Example Necessary Inference. To listen to this audio...
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Video Lessons

The Gospel of Mark: Lesson 5

Jesus forgives sin and eats with sinners. 2:1-17
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Remembering The Sacrifice of the Lamb

Featured Passages: Ex. 12:1-14; Lk. 22:7-20; 1Cor. 23-29 In this lesson Paul Smithson examines the background and purpose of the Lord Supper– a memorial of the true Lamb of God.
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The Gospel of Mark: Lesson 4

Healing of Fever, Cleansing of Leprosy 1:29-45
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Free Printable Tracts

Free Printable Tracts

From your computer, download the MS Word or PDF tract file, print and fold. Click on the