Saving Religion

By: Paul Smithson Religion is “the belief in and worship of God or gods.”  The Bible condemns the worship of man-made gods and commands the worship of the One true God of Heaven (Ex. 20:3-4; Ac. 17:23-31). But what is involved in true religion in serving the...
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We are the Aroma of Christ

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadFeatured Verse:   2 Corinthians 2:14 God’s people are described in a variety of ways in the Scriptures.  This lesson examines the descriptions of God’s people as an “aroma” and considers our worship and...
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To Worship By Faith

By Paul Smithson The eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews not only tells us that we must have faith in order to be pleasing to God (v.6), but it also shows us what faith is. Through examples of faithful individuals of the past the Lord has clothed the concept of faith that we...
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Should Christians Observe The Jewish Passover?

By Paul Smithson The Jewish Passover begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan, which typically falls in our March or April.  God commanded the Jews to celebrate Passover as a commemoration of their liberation He provided from Egyptian slavery and their freedom as a nation...
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Worship, Music, and the New Testament

By Paul Smithson Most agree that God desires music to be offered up to Him in worship, but what kind? To answer this question we must search the Scriptures to see what God has authorized in His New Covenant. When one searches the New Testament Scriptures he finds that Matt....
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Worship Or Entertainment?

By Paul Smithson It seems that many people today have lost sight of what worship is all about. Many assemble in the name of the Lord to be entertained by everything from rock music to circus animals and side shows. What is the purpose of the church’s assembly? Is it to...
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