Cleansing the Temple

In the lesson Paul Smithson considers how God dwelt in and manifested His glory through the tabernacle and temple of the Old testament, then though the Son of God, Jesus Christ as He dwelt among men, and today through Christians who are His spiritual temple.  
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The Tears of Jesus

What caused our Savior to weep? We can learn much about someone when we come to understand their joys and sorrows. By looking and what brought Jesus to tears, not only do we learn a lot about Him, it causes us to examine ourselves and consider what our concerns in life really are.
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Celebrating Sin

By Paul Smithson Yesterday (1/24/18), lawmakers in New York clapped and cheered as they celebrated the passage of the “Reproductive Health Act.” This bill, signed by governor Andrew Cuomo, legalizes aborting up until birth. The New York governor directed the One World...
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Contending With God?

By Paul Smithson The book of 1 Samuel begins with the story of Hannah, the mother of Samuel. Chapter one tells how she was unable to conceive and bare a child. It tells us how she went up to the house of the Lord and prayed for herself to be able to conceive and vowed to the Lord...
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Baptizing Little Children?

By Paul Smithson Why do some denominations baptize little children, even babies? Is doing so scriptural? The practice of infant baptism stems from the false idea that children are born in sin. With this same idea of inherited sin, some baptize little children after they have...
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Abortion, Sin, and our Nation

By Paul Smithson In this country we have programs for saving whales, owls, wolves, eagles, etc.  Those who are caught shooting or trapping these animals will be locked up or fined. Yet, in our country it is legal to kill an innocent baby in the womb.  In fact, the U.S....
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Alcohol and Sin

By Paul Smithson   Alcohol is a device Satan uses to deceitfully destroy the lives and souls of many people. In the U.S. today, over 65 million people above the age of 20 drink alcoholic beverages. Alcoholism affects one out of three American families. America spends an...
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Homosexuality And The Result Of Condoning Sin

By Paul Smithson Our society is becoming more and more insensitive toward sin. One example of this is the public’s increasing acceptance of our nation’s estimated 9 million homosexuals (that’s about 3.5 percent of the U.S. adult population). Public opinion has...
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By Paul Smithson Lasciviousness (“sensuality” NASB) is a type of wickedness that is mentioned and condemned several times in the New Testament. But do we know what it involves in order that we may abstain from it? Lasciviousness is defined as: ” indecency,...
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Cleansing The Temple

By Paul Smithson Jesus came from Galilee to Jerusalem and it was Passover. The streets of Jerusalem would have been buzzing with people from everywhere in the world. It was as good opportunity for business and making money. People would be in need of having money exchanged and...
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