Abel and the Worship of Faith – SFW2

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadIn this lesson, Brother Paul Smithson begins a series of lessons on faith based on the examples of faith in Hebrews chapter 11.  This first lesson looks at the example of the worship of Abel and the lessons we can apply to our own...
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The Need for Bible Authority – SFW1

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadIn this sermon, Paul Smithson discusses the need for Bible authority in all we do. With plain examples he explains the three ways of establishing Bible authority. Direct Command Approved Example Necessary Inference. To listen to this audio...
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The Gospel Which Was Preached of Me

No man in New Testament times received more attacks and criticism for his preaching than did the apostle Paul. Again and again he was called upon to defend his apostleship and the gospel which he preached. The book of Galatians is largely devoted to the proof of his apostleship...
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Perversion of John 8:1-11

By Wayne Jackson (January 1, 1999) Over the past several months, as controversy has swirled around the president’s conduct, with almost predictable regularity media personalities have cited what is possibly the only passage in their biblical repository: “He who is...
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Four Things Lost In Luke 15

By Jimmy R Mickells The Pharisees and scribes complained about Jesus receiving and eating with sinners look at this website. This prompted Him to state some parables about things that were lost and then found. This is the very reason He came to this old sinful world, so sinners...
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Be Ready

By Jimmy R. Mickells  In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus had been discussing with His disciples, the destruction of the temple in the city of Jerusalem and also His second coming. Then in chapter 25, He relates two parables to them about being prepared for His coming and then...
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By Jimmy Mickells         College football season has just ended, professional football season is almost over, and basketball season is under way. As I have watched several games, of both football and basketball, I have been made keenly aware of the fact...
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The Sick Lady

By Jimmy R. Mickells      “Now He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. But when Jesus saw her, He called her to...
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By Jimmy R. Mickells      How often do you listen to the local or national news on T.V. and hear something good reported? Not nearly as often as you hear of things which are very troubling. When we read the news paper, it is filled with stories about killings,...
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What Is A Denomination?

By Greg Gwin How do you define a religious “denomination”?  We use the term frequently, but we seldom stop to really consider what it means.  Think about it this way… 1 – A denomination is something bigger than a single, local congregation. ...
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